St Martin's School

An independent, co-educational preparatory school.


St Martins is a unique and wonderful school where a strong education and nurturing environment exist in equal measure. All three of my children come home happy, have a love of learning and are engaged. I know they have and will each reach their true potential at 11+. The schools results speak for themselves. To its credit, the school is extremely reasonable and great value for money. The after school wrap around care is invaluable to me. The St Martins school values, teaches the kids to always be friendly, kind and respectful. I know that my children’s are valued at this school. They have lovely friendships both in and out of school as a result. It’s a privilege to be part of the St Martins family and for my kids to have this experience in the first part of their journey in education.

We were very impressed by your school; the children were extremely engaged with their learning and were clearly thriving, your teachers had an obvious passion for their vocation and, importantly, everyone - staff and pupils alike - seemed happy, content, and rooted in a strong sense of community.

I will never forget the first day my daughter walked into St Martins for a tour, she was met by Mrs Wilson (the owner) who took her hand and sat on the staircase with her to answer all her questions. My daughter absolutely fell in love with her in that moment and still does to this day. St Martins is a warm nurturing and welcoming environment and Mrs Wilson’s love for the pupils emanates throughout the entire school, this is continually reflected in how not only the children behave but also the teachers. Academically the school is a cut above the rest but that is not why St Martins shines, it is the values, behavior and incredible support they will give your children to help them become a kind thoughtful human being and discover their own identity in a safe environment which practices diversity and acceptance. Any school can teach but only few can truly nurture children to their individual needs and St Martins has done that for our family and for that we will always be grateful we choose this school.

In my role as an Educational Psychologist, I visit schools across London and have the privilege of observing the practices in all different settings. Whilst I see many schools, I have rarely thought “I would want my child to go here” – the phrase I say every time I visit St Martin’s.

The thought, love and care for all pupils is truly outstanding. They are ahead of their time, realising that children need to be happy before they will excel in their learning. This notion is only just trickling through to the new ofsted criteria but St Martin’s has been doing this all along!

The pupils are encouraged to be thoughtful, polite and well-rounded children and have excellent emotional intelligence skills alongside their obvious academic capabilities.

This combination is truly unique and sets the children up not only for future academic success, but life success.

Dr Jemma Levy
Educational and Child Psychologist

m: 07743 577 200
a: 76 New Cavendish Street W1G 9TB

Our teacher makes everything so fun! He makes all our work so interesting. Some of us call him Mr Everywhere, because he’s everywhere, always helping all of us and explaining things

I genuinely sobbed walking to the car. Thank you just doesn't seem enough, to see Z happy and settled, progressing and so loved just takes my breath away. I'm just kvelling! We are team St Martins all the way!

St. Martin’s has a great family like nurturing atmosphere. My daughter has learnt a lot over the years both in terms of the subjects in the Curriculum as well as practical skills. The Head Teacher and staff are so responsive to feedback that they endeavour to fine tune and improve the processes / policies to enhance the development of the children. 

There really is no other school like this one. Teachers are as dedicated to their work as they are to their children. A truly wonderful community of people who work to bring the best to each individual child.

Our daughter has been at St Martin’s School since Nursey and she is now in Form 1. I consider my child extremely fortunate to receive such high levels of individual care and academic support from her teachers.

We chose St Martin’s based on the feeling of nurturing and connection between teachers and pupils and the high levels of academic achievement and encouragement the children obviously receive. This really does equate to a truly joyful and empowering experience of school for my daughter in her early years.

‘My favourite thing about school is using the white boards.’

St Martin’s is a cosy, nurturing environment where learning anything is possible because the children are relaxed and valued for their individuality. It is a school that works with each child’s personality, never against it, so that the best is brought out of every little person. Natural energy is not suppressed but instead channelled and directed appropriately and optimally.

St Martin’s is a truly unique school. My children are two very different characters with individual talents and needs. We searched far and wide for a school that could both provide a truly excellent academic environment while also nurturing their social-emotional needs, self-esteem and joy for learning. Although there is a wide choice of good schools in and around London, we very carefully selected St Martin’s as we needed a school that was keen to work with our children as individuals, developing their individuality and potentials, rather than expecting them to fit into limited pigeon holes or get lost in ‘the system’. We have been absolutely delighted with our choice. There are no other schools that I have come into contact with that offer academic excellence within such a warm and supportive environment. The small class sizes and school population mean that as well as the fact that more attention is given, each child is known and cared about so well that teachers have the same awareness and desire for their development as we do, as parents.

Having our children at St Martin’s really does feel like being part of a family - one that works incredibly hard to get our children to reach their potential while developing a positive mindset that will stand them in good stead as they continue on their social and academic journeys. Learning is a lifelong journey and we are delighted that the foundations are being laid by such a fantastic and warm team of professionals who really have taken the time to get to know our children. The progress that each of them has made is absolutely incredible. We are proud and grateful to be part of the St Martin’s family. 

Thank you very much to all the staff and children at St Martin's School for such a warm welcome at their Prize-Giving Day on 11 July. It was wonderful seeing so many enthusiastic and excited children, and sharing their special day. My message to them was to always do your best, work hard, and respect others on life's journey. I spoke in my talk about finishing 6th in the 2008 Beijing Olympic marathon - although I did not win, nor even win a medal, I knew I had done my best, which is really what matters. Wishing you all a terrific summer holiday!

‘I love dividing in Numeracy and I like looking at the science books. I really enjoy my French lessons.’

‘I love learning new things. The teachers are really lovely and are always there to help you with whatever you need.’

‘I love our Numeracy lessons because you get to learn the magic of numbers.’

‘Being at school makes me happy’

‘I love learning how words are based in Latin and Greek. I loved learning the Roman Numerals and want to be an archaeologist or History teacher when I’m older.’

‘I like playing with my friends and learning lots of different things’

‘I love my school because the teachers are all so kind. I especially love Mr Gunning as he does the most amazing music lessons. I love singing and playing the violin.’